Dec 5, 2022. Oh Crisis, Where Art Thou?

If you have been on this earth long enough, you understand that you are in one of these three categories.

  1. You are in a crisis

  2. You are coming out of a crisis

  3. You are about to get into a crisis

The secret to overcoming crisis is to understand that 👇

“Crisis of themselves are powerless, it is the meaning that we give to them that holds power.”

Our crisis holds within them an element of opportunity that we may use to beautify our lives.

“Hidden in every misforfune is good fortune.”

This allows you to sing praises to existence for bringing you this gift of crisis.

Hallelujah! You cry, feeling rejuvenated.

And you ought to sing to existence.

Because you are the rudder steering the ship of your life.

So when crisis shows up to block your path, you can dispel it by directing your ship with these magical questions:

  1. What meaning are my giving to my current crisis?

  2. What meaning will I ascribe to my next crisis?

Your fortune depends on the meaning you give your crisis.




Dec 8, 2022. A Message from your 2.0 Self


Dec 3, 2022. Will You Succeed?