Dec 8, 2022. A Message from your 2.0 Self

What are you Pretending to be?

The game of life is a pretense game - so pretend your way to greatness.

Contrary to popular belief, other people don’t need to give you something before you to have it.

You can have it right now by pretending your way to it.

Do you want acceptance from other people?

Well, first accept your self as you are .

Accept your ugliness and beauty, your frown and smile, your negative and positive.

All my life, I have practiced the Be, Do, Have framework.

When I realized someone wasn’t accepting me for who I was, that created the desire in me to immediately start accepting myself.

You will never find acceptance until you be acceptance, then do acceptance, and then you will have it - this is when other people start to accept you.

First, you gotta accept yourself as a perfect being who is still seeking perfection.

Accept your ugliness, but don’t stop there - accept your beauty, also.

Assume and persist in your pretense.

Do you want praise?

First praise yourself.

Go to the mirror, look yourself in your mind’s eye and say: You beautiful thing, good morning. Am glad your sexy ass had the presence of mind to get out of bed this morning.

What do you want other people to say to you?

Say it to yourself. Not silently - Aloud.

Because God takes you more seriously when you speak with your vocal cords.

If you feel ugly, it simply means you have pretended your way to ugliness.

The things you seek from others, give it to yourself.

Because other people are simply mesengers from God, reflecting to you how you see yourself, and what you say to yourself.

You are no more asking the universe, you are now declaring yourself to be by pretending it.

Go to the mirror, and use these power words with your desired affirmation:

I declare

I achieve

I magnetize

I elevate

I radiate

P.S. Insert your name into the power words and your desired affirmations.

Now Go Be Somebody!




Dec 13, 2022. Why Are You Resurrecting Your Old World?


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